Five on Friday
It’s Friday and I’m ready to swing… Pick up my girls and hit the party scene. Umm yeah, in another lifetime that would have been a Friday night for me but gosh, times change. Rather, I’m just old! How are we mid-June already? Ah well, I’m not going to harp on about it, so let’s get going to today’s programming of Five on Friday. I realize the last one I did was last year July. Umm, yeah!
1) Yesterday kicked off the World Cup. Woohooo! I love the World Cup and I am seriously hoping Brazil has a much better go this year. The last World Cup for us was bad. Like, super bad. Cringe-worthy and shocking and so, so sad. Whatever happens, Germany CANNOT win. Ha. Simply because then we’ll be tied with them for the most amount of World Cups won. So, let’s go Brazil!! And please don’t remind me that our first game is Monday 2am Sing time. Sigh. Monday will be a rough day at work!
2) How green is your thumb? Mine is like the midnight sky. Dark AF. Honestly, I cannot for the life of me keep plants alive. Sigh. But I love having some green in my house, ya know? Enter the monstera leaf. Love them! And they’re so easy to keep. My friend, Chun, introduced me to them and since then, I love having them in my house. They’re cheap to buy – well, $2 for a leaf – and they keep for ages. And even a black thumb like me can keep them alive, so… The trick when buying just a leaf is to change the water every day for 2 weeks, after that the water doesn’t need to be changed that often and they last forever! The ones I bought when I moved to my new place are all alive and kicking!
3) This year I have definitely been on the down low. I’ve been embracing my inner introvert and am loving staying at home. I must say, I love hanging out with myself. Hehe. It’s been a long time since I’ve really been able to sit still. I am absolutely loving my new place and neighborhood. I’ve been cooking more! I’ve made this a few times, so quick, so easy and stupidly tasty. I don’t like chicken breast so I’ll use drumsticks or thighs instead. Try it and let me know how much you like it! 😉
4) I used to shop like crazy when I lived in London/NYC. Well, maybe crazy is not the right word, but I would definitely hit up the shops once a week or so. Since I’ve moved to Singapore, shopping and I are not friends. I hate shopping here, it’s a total nightmare. It’s great for my wallet but I desperately need to spruce up my wardrobe. I’ve basically been wearing the same thing over and over for the past 6 years adding a few pieces here and there. And well, prices in Singapore are so much more expensive then back in the US. Gaah! But am totally lusting after this top but holy heck, it’s expensive! I will wait for it to go on sale and hopefully they’ll still have my size! I also really need new black sandals, have you seen any cute ones around that you can guide me towards?
5) I’ve been on a roll with working out and it makes me happy! I’ve lost a couple of inches off my waist and I’ve dropped 3kgs this year. I know, I could be doing better but shhh. I need to step it up! But am really please with my back squats – we don’t focus solely on lifting with my kick-ass trainer, but yesterday she had me back squatting and I didn’t realize how far I’ve come. I had stopped personal training end of 2016 and pretty much capped my back squat one rep max at 67.5kgs. Turns out I was doing working sets of 65kgs yesterday, so without a doubt I can smash my 67.5kg 1RM, though I haven’t tried. HAHA Gonna have to set new goals!
On that note, I shall leave you! I hope you guys have an amazing weekend! Tomorrow night we are celebrating a friends birthday with dinner at our friends house. Nothing like home cooked food, am I right? And oh, I totally enjoyed my day off today as it was a holiday here. Long weekends are what dreams are made of! Anyway, I don’t have much else on this weekend so the plan is to get back on the blogging train.
Enjoy, lovelies! xx