The Versatile Blogger Award
Wow! I can’t believe its July! Half a year gone already, I’m sure the second half of the year is going to fly right on by… And why not kick it off with something fun? I’m telling you, it must be Award’s season and I’m missing out on the parties being stuck in bed! Not very glam, but I wouldn’t mind getting dressed up a bit and socializing!! In all seriousness, the lovely Sarah over at Things Sarah Loves nominated me for this award. We “met” because we both signed up to do a Snail Mail exchange and we were paired up, but that’s a post for another day! Sarah has been fantastic at helping me get my blog out in this world and so sweet of her to nominate me for yet another award! Cheers, lovely!
This award is the Versatile Blogger Award and I am supposed to tell you 7 random facts about me, so here goes…!
- I used to be a candy raver back in the days. I look young enough as it is, but can you imagine me all dressed up in pigtails, sparkles, Hello Kitty shirts, plastic bracelets and angel wings? HAHA Memories! Those were the days when I used to dance till the sun came out and roamed NYC like it was my playground. I wish I had a picture to post, but unlucky for you, they are in storage somewhere in New Jersey.
- I like olives, but please, please do not put them in my food. Olives on its own, awesome. Mixed with food, yuck. Same goes with bananas and smoothies – unless its a banana smoothie.
- There is usually music playing in my head and I may just start dancing in the middle of the street if the music is really good. HAHA
- I like to color code my closet – is that weird?
- I prefer caramel to chocolate. And if you must gift me chocolate, I like white chocolate…
- I’ve yet to see B in uniform. I’ve only seen pictures of him in uniform. I almost got the chance to see him in his dress whites but Typhoon Vongfong took that away from me. WTH!
- I’d really love to have a pygmy farm. I love all animals and if they’re miniature in size, even better! B thinks I’m a total weirdo. Oh well!!
So some random facts about yours truly, I think I’m not too strange….?!?!
Thanks again, Sarah, for the nomination and now it’s my turn to nominate some lovely ladies…
Jen —> Marathons and Dog Tags
Malia —-> Just Wandering
“Military Wife” —> Military Wife and Pug Life
Keating —> High Heels and Combat Boots
Can’t wait to read all of your answers!