Getting Back Into the Groove
It’s amazing how a little time off and how out of shape I feel. I’ve been slowly getting back into the groove of working out but it has been stop and go. I got back and I was exhausted as well as being emotionally exhausted. And then I felt so run down, I thought I was coming down with something, but I finally managed to rest up and the cold/flu never materialized. Phew! My workouts pre-Mauritius were super intense to the point I would come out of the gym feeling depleted and wishing someone would carry me home. But damn, it felt good! Now, hmmm. I’ve definitely some ways to go..
Although my stamina is not like it was before, I have to say, a little time off was good. My strength is still pretty much there as I managed to break my personal best in deadlifts from 4 weeks ago, so that was exciting!. My arm strength is slowly getting up there again, but for some reason my right arm is a lot weaker. Weird how that is, especially since I am right handed. I’m trying to get back into eating better as well, but I am quick to cave into a treat when I’m tired, and I still feel so tired. And my obsession du jour with banana bread is not helping. I just can’t get enough of it. At least its slightly healthier than tiramisu, right? I went through a stage where I went around eating tiramisu every day from different places to determine who had the best one. HAHA
I’ve been trying to find a different work out, just to mix it up a bit but I haven’t gotten there yet. Maybe yoga? I just feel that I need something a bit more intense than yoga. And with all the different types of yoga, I’m not even sure where to begin?? I would love to start running again, but I really struggle in this humidity and the heat. Maybe I’m just making excuses now. But I’m curious to know what everyone does to work out, if you do work out? And how do you stay away from treats? I need inspiration!