Oh! The Places You’ll (Hope to) Go! Part 1
Sometimes, you just gotta dream a bit. And today, I am hardcore dreaming of the places I would like to get to in my lifetime.
I’m absolutely itching to get to Iran, and I’m not sure I will get to, but I hope so!! Unfortunately B has already said he has no desire to go, and I guess I can see why from his point of view. He’s even asked me to not go because he’d be worried for my safety. But I was speaking to this girl the other day and she told me that her girlfriend backpacked through with absolutely no issues. Maybe she was lucky, maybe I can convince B to go once that region is more stable…
IRAN: Shiraz & Tehran
In another life, I definitely would not have chosen the career field I am in, I would have gone into architecture instead. But in this lifetime, my brain cells can’t cope with the intense amount of maths involved in being an architect. But look at these buildings. They are gorgeous!!!
Eram Garden – It means “Heaven” in Persian and well, I wouldn’t mind having a house like that…!
Nasir al-Mulk Mosque – Otherwise known as the “Pink Mosque” for the pink color tiles used in interior design. How gorgeous is this place? And have you seen anything like it?
Azadi Tower / Tehran – The Freedom Tower marks the west entrance to the city of Tehran. It was built in 1972 to commemorate the 2500th anniversary of the first Persian empire. Its actually shaped like an inverted Y.
Anyway, there are of course loads of other amazing architectural beauties to be seen in Iran, but these are just three amazing places that caught my eye. I was reading an article a couple years ago on the NY Times about how Iran’s homes are being razed down for high rises, and ever since seeing those pictures, Iran has always been in my mind of places I’d like to go see.
So, would you want to go with me to check it out one day?