Oh! The Places You’ll (Hope to) Go! Part II
I met this girl once. Fascinating, I know. I met her during a one week ski/snowboard trip I did with my friends and she was part of our group. Or maybe I was part of their group? Anyway, she had spent about a year or so traveling the world and the one place that stood out for me was Antarctica.
Yeah, you heard me. Antarctica. The South Pole. Lots of ice and glaciers, and did I mention the cold? And why not? I want to see the emperor penguins. I mean , seriously, how cute are they?!? And maybe get down there before all the glaciers melt?? :/
She told me that the best way to get a good deal on the expedition boat was to book at the last minute and negotiate. If the boat have spaces available, then they would let you come cheaper. I guess its the one time it pays to not be prepared?? Although do keep in mind that these trips are quite expensive, from about $6k for a place in a twin cabin. But expect to pay around $10-12k per person for a 10-14 day cruise. And that’s not including airfare and other costs. Ouch. Ok, this trip will definitely have to wait until I strike it rich…!! But in the meantime, a girl can dream….. I do fantasize about the cold now, especially since I only have two seasons where I live: rainy with a side of hot & humid or just plain ole hot & humid.
More than anything, I just really appreciate the beautiful landscapes that this planet has to offer and this is not a sight you normally see!