Is it just me, or has this has been the longest month ever?? To be honest, most of the days I have no idea what day it is, it’s just blended into one massively long day. I had intentions of blogging regularly this month but with everything that’s been happening, it’s unfortunately been the last thing on my mind. But I also don’t want this time period to go undocumented, so this month’s 5 For The Month will reflect that.
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I wrote my first impressions and thoughts in this post, but since last week, it’s been a whole different slew of emotions. I’m not gonna lie, it’s been hard. The feelings I’ve been suppressing for a long time, feelings that got numbed down in order to survive, are now starting to bubble to the surface. Nothing like a global pandemic to get the waterworks going, huh? Yeah, a little dramatic, but the past couple of years it’s been one hit after another and this girl can’t catch a break. So in order to keep going, I’ve been putting on a front and pretending all was okay. But I’m tired of feeling numb. I want to feel again.
And now the feelings are starting to come… These weird times have enabled me to be introspective and I am trying to figure out how to truly move forward. But damn, this is one lonely pandemic. When we’re all glued to the telly and we’re all stressed, scared and whatever else one is feeling, it really sucks that you can’t be with all your loved ones.
So let’s get started with today’s post…
1) What have you been watching during all this time indoors? You are staying indoors, right? Have you hopped on the Tiger King train on Netflix? I haven’t. I’m not sure I can bring myself to watch it. I did watch Love is Blind as my friends “made” me and it was awful. So, not sure I really want to spend my time on Tiger King. I’ve been watching All American instead. Have you seen it? I’m enjoying it but admittedly the show is starting to annoy me somewhat. Ha
2) I have to admit, I’ve lost my cooking mojo. I’m not very good at throwing whatever I have together into a dish. Well, I can, but most of the time it leaves me unsatisfied. I wish I were a better cook, but I’m definitely a “follow the recipe” girl. But one dish that is delicious and is based off of what I had available is this roasted veggies and chickpeas dish. I admittedly got inspiration from this recipe from Rabbit and Wolves. I’ve tweaked it and added different veggies, but it’s so damn good. And super easy to make! This round, I’ve added onions, cherry tomatoes and brussels sprouts over quinoa. The first time, I made it over polenta and it was amazing. What have you been cooking? Or baking?
3) I’m still working out. It’s been somewhat therapeutic but this past week, the same motivation is not there. I’m still getting off my ass, though. Beachbody on Demand’s LIIFT4 is the program I’m currently following and supplementing it with running. If you’re looking for a great yoga session, check out my friend, Adam, on YouTube. I’m really loving how many fitness professionals are providing us with free home workouts during this time! Or if you’re not into yoga….. Wait, that could be a song! No, that would never work 😉 Check out Dan, he was one of my personal trainers in Singapore and he’s posting workouts you can do from home on Instagram.
4) I’m trying really hard to not shop till I drop right now, but stressful times, you just need a quick little pick me up, am I right? But I’m resisting. For the most part. I caved and I got influenced and am looking forward to my tie dye sweatshirt that should be arriving at the end of the week. Ha. And I did buy that moto jacket that made the rounds on IG because it was on massive sale, but I think I will return it. I love it but I don’t love it on me sadly. 🙁 This is why I am not a massive fan of online shopping. Hehe Have you bought anything exciting?
5) And lastly, some articles worth reading. Are you feeling uninspired to get stuff done? Well, read this. Feel better, now? You’re welcome.
You may have seen this one making the rounds, but if you haven’t, read it. It’s okay to feel the way you are…
I love how Missy has put together a quarantine bucket list for these uncertain times! I need to put one together and start having more structured days, I’m thinking a language class? I’ll get back to you on what my bucket list ends up looking like!
I know we have a lot of avid readers out there, so if you’re bored and you’ve got some books lying around, I’ll be waiting for your own takes….
Alrighty, that’s all I’ve got. I know we have at least another month of quarantine so let’s all rally together. If you are lonely and or anxious, I am here for you… Reach out.
Please be safe, friends… xxx