Diner en Blanc Singapore
Have you ever had the opportunity to go to a Diner en Blanc (Dinner in White)? Have you even heard of it…? No? Well, let me tell you all about it!
Imagine everyone dressed in white – the ladies looking gorgeous and the men looking dapper- while we all sit down for an open air picnic dinner in an undisclosed location. That’s right, an undisclosed location! The location is only revealed on the night of; where passerby’s will see this beautiful event and wonder why he/she wasn’t invited. It’s truly a magical experience and one that I was so blessed to have participated in last year.
Tomorrow night, Diner en Blanc will happen again here in Singers. It’s quite late this time around, as last year it was held in July. I was fortunate to have been invited but unfortunately I will not get to go. I can’t wait to see all the pictures and most importantly find out where it was held. Last year, we were transported by buses to Tanjong Beach in Sentosa. I couldn’t have asked for a better location for my first Diner en Blanc.
Let me say that such an event is not a matter of just showing up. Penny and I had to spend a couple of afternoons trying to find all that we would need because you see, you have to bring your own table and chairs – and it has to adhere to their guidelines. I seriously stressed over trying to find the table and chairs that I could take with us, but luckily trusty Ikea had exactly what I needed (and it now has a home in my balcony – perfect!). We also had to bring our own plates and cutlery – no plastic plates allowed! To finish it off, we also had to decorate with white tablecloths and white cloth napkins. We took a little liberty with the tablecloth and napkins, you’ll see what we did with our table! Lastly, you either have the option of bringing your own food or you can pre-order with the organizers. I took the easy way out and pre-ordered and thank goodness I did because the day of, we were running around like headless chickens and if I had to prepare food on top of that, well, I think we would have just had sand for dinner!
Penny and I were quite relieved to finally find our bus and just sit there. We had no idea where they were taking us but the excitement in the air was buzzing and we knew were in for a great night. Everyone was speculating as to where they would take us and as we hit the roads, we had an inkling that we were heading to Sentosa. After a 20 minute bus ride, we made it and yep, we were at Tanjong Beach. We collected our tables and chairs and everything else and we trekked over to where we were supposed to set up. Girls, don’t wear heels!! Flats are definitely the way to go as you will have to walk a fair bit carrying everything with you! I was carrying the table so I was happy to have finally reached our set up point so I could set the table down. Another minute and my arms would have fallen off. No joke!
It was such a pretty sight to see everyone all in white. The weather was perfect and the setting was truly spectacular.
I had grand illusions of setting up an amazing table, but reality is, I’m lazy. But Penny and I managed to do something fun with our table and I tried to make it pretty with shimmery pearlescent star confetti. Look closely 😉 In the end, who knew tablecloths were so expensive? So because we were at Ikea, we picked up a cheap bed sheet as our tablecloth. HA
We had pre-ordered our dinner and I have to say it was delicious. Although we stupidly only brought one fork or something, so I was trying to eat with my knife. #fail At least we had lots of champagne. Well, I had lots of champagne as Penny doesn’t drink. Let’s just say I got a little merry that night! 😉
We were also all given sparklers. I seriously love sparklers!
Last year’s theme also happened to be “Love” and we were all given paper to write a wish so we could put it in a bottle and throw in the sea.
We were also bedazzled with a firework show…! You get the gist, I was on my crappy iPhone 4 at that point…!
And then we danced the night away. It was truly one of the best nights of my life. Now that is a bold statement, but it’s true!
I urge you to go if you have the chance. Diner en Blanc is held in various cities throughout the world, so check to see where the closest one to you is…!
Hope everyone has a great long weekend!