Doors of Marrakech
Happy Tuesday, lovelies! Today as we have just come off a weekend, those blues must be hitting you hard. They are for me! So, let’s just carry on with that wanderlust and check out the doors of Marrakech, shall we? I have this slight obsession with doors and I find that I have a ton of photos of doors when I go on my travels. What do you gravitate to when taking pictures on your travels?
I’m not sure when my love for doors came to be, but it’s definitely here to say. I do think that the doors to a place can say so much about one’s self. Sorry for being totally cheesy, but it does allow you to be a little creative!
Anyway, let’s just jump right in. This post is picture heavy and no need for my inane ramblings!
I love how this door has been left open and you can peek into it. If you didn’t know any better and you’re walking through the streets of the Medina, you wouldn’t know that amazing, ornate residences exist behind those red clay walls. So really, these doors perhaps give you a glimpse of what lies behind. Or not.
I absolutely loved, loved, loved these doors. The blue colors just make it that more interesting when the majority of the doors are made of wood. Right?
Haha Leroy is mid pose. 😉
While some doors are ornate, I do like the simplicity of some like the one above.
Some are kinda shabby, but adds to the charm! And I love the door knockers. Those hands! I kind of wish I had picked one up when I was there as a souvenir. Guess I’m gonna have to go back at some point! 😉
Anyway, aren’t you absolutely in love with doors now? I challenge you to take pictures of some interesting doors you encounter and send them to me! Oh my god, I would love that! I’m all for door porn! HA Check out some of the beautiful doors of Chefchaouen here from Bewildered in Morocco!
Signing off for the day! Have a great week ahead, lovelies!