Hello !!!
OMG!!! The new Adele music video is out on YouTube – “Hello”! It’s her first song in about 3 years time which means… A new album is coming out soon!! Yay. It’s coming out on 20 November, actually.
Honestly love this girl and her music; her voice; the lyrics… Just wow!
“Hello” is definitely a song we can all relate to at one point in our lives. Although I can’t say I’ve actually gone so far as to try and get them back, but you can’t help but wonder how that person is after everything that had happened.
Anyway, have a listen. Your ears will thank you!!
Short and sweet today. I had great plans to put something up today but I didn’t have time to edit my picture last night, because well, life happens. A lot of life is happening at the moment, but all will be ok.
In any case, have a great weekend! If you eat a burger, make sure it’s awesome because my burger today was just mediocre. As was my salted caramel cupcake. Total fail on the food front today!
But now I must go and listen to this song on repeat!
And goodbye. For now… 😉