Jewels Wandering is Moving…!
Wait, what? Jewels Wandering is moving to where? Am I re-branding? Am I getting a new look? Well, not quite. I’m literally moving! And not to another flat, well, technically yes, but to a whole new country.
That’s right. You heard me. I’ll be leaving sunny, sweaty Singapore shortly. Sounds surreal to even say that, I definitely did not think I’d be moving this year, but life is funny like that.
As per usual, I had all the good intentions of getting back to a regular blogging schedule; I had uploaded my pictures from my Japan trip and was working on a new post, but then I honestly just fell into a funk. I was sitting on the fence and felt paralyzed about pulling the trigger, but it had to be done and so I finally did. It hasn’t really hit me yet and I’m now going through all the motions, but the boxes have arrived and they ship out at the end of the month. It’ll be bittersweet leaving the Little Red Dot as I do really love this place, but now home is calling me and most importantly, my family. They’re the biggest reason why I’m moving home! I think after 12.5 years living in London and Singapore, it’s time..
It’s been pretty hectic on my end since then. I had to leave Singapore as my Employment Pass was cancelled so, I went to Thailand for a bit – I went to Railay Beach and Koh Phi Phi! It was super relaxing and it had been so long since I have had a proper beach holiday. Bliss! I’ll definitely be blogging about that in the next few weeks but now I’m sure you’re just wondering, where the F are you moving to?
Well… I’ll let the below pictures do the talking…
That’s right, I’m moving back home.
Seems somewhat anti-climatic but I can’t say I’m excited yet. I know, sounds silly but at this point in time, I don’t have the time it seems. I feel like I’m drowning with so much on my plate to get this move organized – including George! Holy F, getting a cat to another country is so expensive. I could take the cheaper route and do it myself, but I don’t have the time to figure out all that needs to be done. I’ve also been helping my landlord find a replacement tenant – that has proven to be quite frustrating!
Moving is never fun. It would be so much easier if I were taking everything with me, but I’m not. I’m planning on fitting the life I’ve accumulated over the past almost 7.5 years into 12 boxes. Even that should be easier considering I moved to London with 3 suitcases and Singapore with 2 suitcases and 4 boxes. But nevertheless, it’s time to massively declutter and simplify my life.
And oh, I have a wedding in Bali over Easter to go to, so I’ll be gone for a week. I also decided to take this time to see a bit more of Bali, so I’ll be checking out Nusa Penida and Ubud. I have been to Ubud once before, but that was 15 years ago or so!
So my week will be spent packing up my life and in the evening as downtime, I’ll be looking to getting some more posts up.
How’s April looking for you? What are your Easter plans?