Majulah Singapura!
Picture Source: Singapore
Today we celebrate 50 years of this amazing city-state, and it sure throws down a celebration to remember. Thank you for the weeks of fireworks shows as you practiced for today’s big finale; thank you to the Air Force for providing amazing air shows as you practiced today’s spectacle and the endless times I almost crapped my pants as you flew by my house! Although sadly I missed the two concentric hearts formation today, but I do plan on catching the “50” (Find me on Periscope @jewelswandering and watch the celebrations!)
I’m so blessed to call this place home for the past three years where I’ve had amazing opportunities and have met so many good friends! I’ve never lived anywhere quite like this before, I am truly living the dream as an expat here which really means I am now spoiled silly and not sure how I’ll cope back in the real world! And let’s talk taxes, I love that income taxes are only 7-15% max, how will I ever pay ~45% in taxes again?!?
But really, it is truly amazing all that you have accomplished in the past 50 years, turning what is now a modern city with a gorgeous skyline from a tropical swampland is just mind blowing. The infrastructure you have built is truly first class and now you have Westerners beating down your door wanting a piece of the action. I’m just glad I got in when I did!
Today, here’s to you! Majulah Singapura (Onward Singapore in Malay)!
**I have since discovered that the picture was taken by Sheng Long Lua. Full credits go to him.