Thank You, Military Spouses
Today is not only Friday (hurrah!), but it’s also Military Spouse Appreciation Day. If you’ve been reading my blog long enough, you’ll know that my ex was in the Navy. Whilst I am no longer affiliated with the military, my time as a milso (military significant other) opened up a whole new world. Not only that, I have had the pleasure of “meeting” so many lovely military spouses despite being in Singapore, but also forging genuine friendships.
I will openly admit that being in a military long distance relationship was the hardest relationship I had been in up until then. I thought it would be similar to other long distance relationships, but oh no! I seriously underestimated the difficulties (and tears) that came with it. Until I had met B, the military world was not one that I really thought of. Sure, I knew it existed, but it didn’t really factor into my life.
All of a sudden, I was thrown into this world and none of my friends were familiar with it – so I turned to blogs and eventually blogging to get the support I needed while B was deployed (Funnily enough, he’s soon deploying again and even though we are no longer together, there is a mix of emotions going through me right now). Not only that, I started familiarizing myself with the military and can now say I have a genuine appreciation for all that they do. Not that I didn’t before, but I guess now I am more cognizant of all that they do.
The ladies I met through their blogs really opened up my eyes to their lives and their struggles; their fears; their frustrations; and finally the tremendous joy of having their man back from deployment. Throughout all of this, they lived these moments full of grace, inner strength, and with a dollop of humor. I’m not going to go into this whole novel on what it’s like to be a[n} (ex)milso, but I would like to express my awe and admiration of the lovely ladies who are living this life. You girls ROCK!
And for my readers who aren’t affiliated with the military, go check out some of my favorite milso blogs!
Military Wife and Pug Life
So take a moment and go say THANK YOU to all the ladies (and men) who support their husbands (wives) while they’re off serving their country!
Hope everyone has a great weekend ahead !