Buckle your seat belts, we are now at full speed towards year end! November definitely rushed by and hello, December!
Watching: Apparently my VPN provider got attacked, where I was in danger of having my IP address identified. Must be the reason why my Netflix went down… I’ve managed to stay up to date on Greys, Nashville and Homeland, although what in the world is happening in Grey’s? I’m not sure I’m really enjoying this season. And seeing that it’s now the winter finale for Grey’s and Nashville, I’m getting stuck in Downton Abbey. I love Maggie Smith’s super dry humor, she is a brilliant actress and delivers her one liners that leave me in stitches.
Listening to: I’ve been getting back to my love for hip hop and I’ve got The Roots playing. Mixed with a little JT…
Reading: I can’t say I’ve managed to get any reading done. Maybe a couple of pages. I am totally slacking and to be honest, I’m not sure why I’m having a difficult time reading. So yeah, still reading You: A Novel by Caroline Kepnes.
Wishing: Hmm, I can’t say I’m wishing for anything really. I’m pretty content with life for the time being. Maybe in a few months time, that will change but for now. Actually, I wish for world peace. I wish the US would get its act together and stop with the senseless shootings almost every other day it seems. Honestly, people are becoming complacent about it. Oh, another shooting in the US, what else is new?
Excited for: Not many more days left of work for this year…! And then it’s time to catch up with old friends back in London town and then head to NY for the holidays!! Really excited for London, I absolutely love that city and it’s been a while since I’ve been there. Plus with the Christmas right around the corner, it’s going to be magical! Plus, hello! Deployment is OVER! They got home this morning!
Looking forward to: Celebrating my mom’s birthday in London! It was her birthday yesterday and I had flowers delivered but I can’t wait to give her a bear hug!
Missing: B… He was not able to get leave for the holidays and so our days don’t match up. He’ll be working, working, working. 🙁 Unfortunately when he gets leave, I can’t take any days off because I’ll have a new girl starting and I can’t leave her alone. So I will try and meet up with him for a weekend somewhere or he’ll come here for a bit. Sucks. But hey, it is what it is…
Enjoying: The fact that I can get back into my jeans! They were super tight on me where it was just not a good look. No bueno. But with working out, the post-surgery weight is slowly coming off and I don’t have to go buy myself fat pants anymore.
Loving: It’s rainy season here now, it’s effectively our winter. The northerly winds bring down the rains and we are treated to spectacular thunderstorms and that crazy rain where it’s so thick. Nothing like waking up to that on a weekend morning and knowing you can stay snuggled up in bed. Just not during the week, please!
How did your November go? Are you ready for the holidays?