I know, I know. If you’ve been reading my blog for some time, you probably think that there are only fancy restaurants in Singapore – or that I only go to fancy restaurants. Not true! So today, let me take you Swee Choon Tim Sum. Not only have I been on a massive dim sum eating spree, I have recently discovered this place and let me tell you, it’s love at first bite! I can’t believe I only heard about it a few weeks ago. Blasphemy, I tell you!
So my girl, Tiara, told me about Swee Choon as a place she keeps meaning to go when she’s cat-sitting. Not only is she an extremely talented lady as a rising poet/spoken word/artist/etc in Singapore (prepare for her world domination!!), she’s also George‘s second love. Tiara lives at my house graciously cat-sits when I’m off gallivanting the world. Her blog is a work in progress, I do recommend you check it out!!
Anyway, I am totally digressing. It’s just one of those days, you know? I’m having a hard time staying focused with the state of world affairs. Sigh. Oops, I am digressing yet again.
Get it together, Julie!
Carrying on… Swee Choon is a hole in the wall dim sum restaurant. And they’re opened until 6am. Six am, you say? Yes!!! You know how in NYC you can go for a slice after a night out (or a bacon, egg and cheese on a roll) and in London you go for kebabs? Well, in Singapore our choices are pretty limited when you’re raging hungry and need something to soak up all the booze in your belly. I guess you could order McDonald’s Delivery, but… I can’t say I am really a fan. Or you could go to Spize, but really, you should go Swee Choon!
We were leaving a random bar one Friday night and we wanted some food, so I suggested Swee Choon. I have been craving dim sum like no other and it kept popping up on my Facebook feed. Luckily, my friends were all up for it so off we went. I honestly did not know what to expect other than really good dim sum and in case you haven’t figured this out yet, it definitely did not disappoint!
Luckily we had D navigate the menu and order for us, although admittedly I like to order the same things when I go for dim sum. But having her order some new dishes was awesome as I got to try things I wouldn’t have normally ordered. Umm, wheat grass jelly juice, anyone? It’s quite popular out here in Singers, but I can’t say I was a fan. Oh well, I can cross that off my list!
The natural progression in the pictures – when it was served nice and pretty to being devoured by the hungry animals. The hungry animals being us! And well, you can’t go eat dim sum without eating xiao long bao. YUMMMMMMMMMMMSSSSSSSSSSSS!! It was so damn good! Does it compare to Din Tai Fung?? Hmm. They’re both so good in a slightly different ways. Ok, I think another dim sum run is in order after writing this post up. Eeeek!
Lastly dessert! Salted egg buns. Totally a massive thing here in Singapore. People seriously go crazy for it but umm… Yeah, me, I am not a super big fan but Ana and Daniel were obsessed. To be honest, I tried a bite and barely managed to swallow it down. I know, I’m letting my Asian people down. So sorry. HA.
What is your go-to food after a night out?
Swee Choon can be found at 183-191 Jalan Besar and they’re opened from 6pm to 6am