Living in Limbo
Living in limbo is so annoying. I know I’m not the only person that feels like this, but seriously, how frustrating is it?! Throw me a life saver, will ya?
And oh, before I delve in, Hello, March! Wasn’t expecting you so soon! But here you are! Let me prep my house for you because it’s a mess!
It’s been a while since I’ve shared what’s really going on in this part of the web because let’s face it, my Morocco recaps are coming at snails pace and was now so long ago so let me bring this blog a little more up to date, shall we? Hehe
So for quite some time, I was thinking of packing things up here in the Little Red Dot moving back to the US of A. It was time to be closer to family; my parents aren’t getting any younger and it makes me so sad that I am missing my little nephew growing up – and there’s another one on the way!
But then, Leroy came into my life and messed everything up! In the nicest way, of course. But life would have been easier if he was American and heading back to the US instead of NZ. Hehe But because our relationship got super serious super fast, he asked me to join him in NZ once he was set up, etc and I said, sure! Have I ever been to NZ? Nope! Then again, I had been to Singapore for a weekend and then decided to move here. What can I say? I jump first and then think. But it worked out!
Do the plans you make always pan out? Well, mine sure don’t!
Moving to NZ would have been the easy option; my job in Singapore was most likely coming to an end and since the economy here has been down in the dumps, trying to find another job would have been akin to finding a needle in a haystack. Employment passes for foreigners are harder to obtain now, so I was prepping to leave the Little Red Dot and was telling my friends I was most likely leaving in a few months time.
So this whole year, I’ve been trying to figure out what I was doing. I know, I’m super dramatic with this whole year statement. 😉 But not knowing was stressful. IS stressful. I still don’t really know what is happening as its contingent on so many things happening for it to work out.
This is where things stand:
Stay in Singapore – looks like I found that needle and am waiting for an offer. However, Leroy needs a job here, we are waiting to hear back from his interview last week. So, fingers crossed!
Move to NZ – I plan on leaving my current career behind and retraining. I have a couple of avenues I’m looking to pursue but also means finding the right school in NZ for this next step. I was/am really excited for this!
Temporarily move back to NYC while I wait for Leroy to get set up in NZ and then move to NZ.
And oh, there’s the big George dilemma. He’s obviously moving to wherever I move to, but if I go back to NYC for a while, where will he go? I can’t have him flying to NYC and then NZ. I know he wants to be a jet setter but he doesn’t have the funds for that yet. All jokes aside, it is not only super expensive – I’m looking at $2-3k to move him, but also really stressful on him with the super duper long haul flights.
So, I’m taking bets. What do you think will happen? Hehe
Stay tuned.