Military Spouse Appreciation Day Link Up
Before B, I was pretty oblivious to the military lifestyle other than snippets of information from acquaintances that were few and far in between. I was never really exposed to the military lifestyle other then when I used to live in Brussels and we would go to the military bases in Germany for cross-country races, and well, I don’t think that really counts. So all my years, I have been blissfully unaware that today is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. And I only found this out because I started looking for information on what I was getting myself into and came across a wealth of information through the milso blogs, thanks ladies! So I recently stumbled across Jen’s blog, “Marathons and Dog Tags“, and saw that she was hosting a link-up today. What a perfect opportunity to join in and connect to other milsos! So thanks Jen and Amanda at “Somewhere Over the Camo” for hosting! Now, let’s get started!!
//Tell us about yourself and your blog.
//What branch of military are you affiliated with?
//What is one thing you enjoy about the military lifestyle?
//What advice would you give other spouses who are new?
// Hi there, thanks for stopping by! I’m Julie and my man is a Lieutenant in the US Navy. We met last year during a port call and have been making our relationship work despite the distance. We recently had the opportunity to meet up in Kuala Lumpur & Mauritius! We are looking to close this distance for when he gets back from his upcoming deployment.
I’m originally from Brazil, but I grew up moving around every couple of years. I have lived primarily in the States (CA, NY, DC, MD, NH, VA), London, Brazil, Belgium and Japan. I have currently been calling Singapore home for the past 3 years. Most of the time, I have no idea where I’m from and which country I belong to and I’ve started to realize my accent switches depending on who I’m talking to. I’m a Brazilian by birth and passport, but after living in so many different countries/cities, I am not sure I’m particularly “Brazilian” or “American” or whatever. See why I’m confused?!?! But despite all this, if I had the choice of having lived in one place my whole life or living this whole nomadic lifestyle again, I would still choose to be a nomad! I’ve been able to see and do so much from a young age and the friendships I have made along the way are irreplaceable! It’s been an amazing journey!
I was inspired to start blogging a couple months ago as a way to not only keep myself entertained at work (shhhh, don’t tell my boss!) but to finally start chronicling my travels and the joys of this even more complicated military long distance relationship I have found myself in. Wow, that was a mouthful! I would love to connect to other milsos as to be honest, I am slightly terrified of transitioning into the military lifestyle, but am also really excited.
// I’m still fairly new to this lifestyle, so I unfortunately have not seen the perks! The only “military” experience I have had was getting left behind in Guam last year during their port call because of Typhoon Vongfong. Check it out in this post! Aside from that, I’m pretty much shielded from it all as I’m in Singapore and he’s in Japan. I’ll come back to this question when we can actually physically be together! 😉
// Ladies, help a girl out! Would love to connect with you and any advice you can give me would be so welcome!
If you’re here from the link-up, leave a message and your blog link so I can meet you too! 🙂