I know I’m not a fan of window seats, but lately, they’ve been liking me! Not that it’s a bad thing as I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Morocco from the air. But let me tell you, my journey to Marrakech was such a doozy. Oof. Definitely not looking to re-live that!
My flight from Singapore was delayed by an hour or so. There was a lot of traffic in the Singaporean and Malaysian airspace so we were sat in the plane as we we waited. Why is it that my flights are always delayed when I have tight layovers? I tried not to stress, after all there was no point as it was out of my control.
And oh, can I whinge about that fact that I had that last seat right by the toilets? Argh. I hate that seat and will try to avoid it at all costs but I stupidly was late checking in online and of course the flight to Doha was full. So yeah. I love sitting by the toilets and catching a whiff of eau de toilette each time the door opens. Let’s not forget about everyone who stands around waiting for the loos after the dinner service. I managed to catch a couple broken hours of sleep and we neared Doha, I started to stress. I asked one of the flight attendants if I would make my next flight and she told me with confidence that I would. So I relaxed a bit.
We landed into Doha at 00:30; my flight to Casablanca was leaving at 1:15am. By the time I got out of the plane, it was 00:40. I booked it out of there. At first, it was confusing trying to find the screens to find out where my next gate was but when I did, my heart sank. E Gates. It was my first time in the new Doha airport and this new airport is mahoosive. So I ran. And I ran. And I ran.
I carried on running. And running. Holy F. Where the hell are these E gates? And why am I so lucky to get the furthest gate away?!
Luckily, I wasn’t carrying anything other then my handbag because oh, I ran.
I got to my gate at 1:05am. The guy at the gate knew I was that passenger from the Singapore flight because well, I think the fact that I’m Asian gave it away and the fact that I was running. He shouted down the phone to release the two bags and I made my flight. Phew. I was sweating bullets and and I was winded. Even though I work out, that was quite the run.
I walked into the airplane and I sat down in my seat. Thank God I had the whole aisle to myself. I managed to catch another couple hours of sleep before we landed into Casablanca.
Getting off in Casablanca about 7am local time, I was exhausted. I now had a 4 hour layover in what is the boringest terminal ever. As my next flight was a domestic flight, the domestic terminal was boring AF. It was literally a room with a small cafe. And oh, I didn’t have any Dirhams on me but luckily the cafe took USD at the worst exchange rate ever. But when you’re thirsty AF, you will pay. I then sat down on a chair and tried to fall asleep in that brightly lit room while I waited. No joy. It was the longest 4 hours of my life.
It was finally time to board. Hallelujah! And this is where my pictures come in. If you’re still even reading this post!! I loved how there didn’t seem to be much happening on the ground. Little pockets of houses/towns? But then nothing for miles!
All of a sudden, the nothingness becomes more populated and with more agriculture down below. Kind of fascinating how quickly the landscape changed. But watch out for this.
It all goes back to being a desolate landscape. Are they mountains? Not quite, but definitely pretty desolate. With a pouf, these mountainous type things then converged into green lushness and civilization…
You actually see rows and rows of trees – I think they’re olive trees? And voila, you are in Marrakech. The flight is actually quite short, about 40 minutes or so. If you look at a map, Casablanca is not far from Marrakech.
I can’t tell you how excited I was to have finally arrived (and to see Leroy)! Immigration was fairly painless. Most people don’t need a visa – even me on a Brazilian passport didn’t need one!
I went out to wait for my bags. And I waited. And I waited. And I waited. Joy. My bags did not make it on the Casablanca flight after all. I was seriously cranky. All I wanted was to shower and put fresh clothes on. But nope. I’m telling you, ALWAYS carry panties in your handbag! It’s definitely something I should have known by now. ARGH.
My bags came later that evening but at that point I was beyond exhausted to head out to the airport again, so I went the next day when I switched hotels. Truthfully, the airport is not far from the Medina at all, but I had been up for almost 48 hours at that point and my bed was but a few feet away.
What are you horror travelling stories? Tell me in the comments!
And with that, Happy Friday!!