Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award
How is everyone today? I am slowly getting stronger and the pain has massively eased and no longer feeling totally helpless. While I was in the hospital, I was touched to have been nominated by two lovely ladies for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. How cool is that? Sarah blogs over at Things Sarah Loves. She’s new to the blogging scene but is taking it by storm with her unbiased beauty reviews and more, go give her some love! And Elle is the sweetest girl ever, blogging from the Philippines over at Simply CaramELLE has fun a take on fashion and DIY. Show her some love as well!
If you’re new to these awards, there are certain rules. Don’t worry, they are quite easy to follow:
1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you and link them in your post.
2. Answer the ten questions you have been sent.
3. Come up with 10 questions of your own.
4. Spread the love and nominate up to 10 bloggers!
Sarah’s ten questions for me are:
1. Favourite pizza topping?
Mushrooms and onions with truffle paste and a sunny-side up egg. Sounds weird? Don’t knock it till you try it…!
2. If you could be any animal in the world, which would you be and why?
HAHA, don’t judge! But I always say I want to be a manatee. Just love their unassuming faces and that they’re just so chilled out. Save the manatees people!!
3. When it comes to shoes: heels or flats?
I used to be all about the heels, but since I’ve been living in Singers… My gorgeous heels are decorating my apartment… :/
4. What is one of your favourite childhood memories?
When I used to live in Rio de Janeiro as a 5 year old kid. We lived in a condo where there were loads of other families with kids my ages. We used to run around the pool area and the playground like banshees. Play all day after school and we would have dinners at other families houses. Ahh, to be that age again…!
5. Your biggest make up disaster has been…?
Not learning how to use make-up until I was 19? And even now, I still don’t wear too too much…
6. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
Everyone I’ve been meeting over the past 3 months who have supported my blog by a) reading it! and b) sticking around. The blogging community is truly special and a special shout out to my fellow milso bloggers. I love reading your blogs and getting to know you guys through it. You guys rock!
7. Name one city in the world you would love to visit and why?
I actually wrote two posts on this (I know, insert shameless plug) so I will direct you to here and here.
8. Are you a bookworm? Do you have any favourite authors?
I used to be a total bookworm, but lately I’ve been having difficulties sitting down and finishing books. But I do love my Patricia Cornwell books (I have been reading them since I was 12 – how gory was I?) and I also enjoy the Detective Harry Hole series by Jo Nesbo. When I’m not deeply engrossed in crime thrillers, I love me some classics – Jane Austen, DH Lawrence, Fitzgerald… I loved getting lost in books and escaping from the world.
9. What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about starting a blog?
Be prepared for how time consuming blogging is. I must admit, I had no idea how much time it would take up when I started but admittedly I am enjoying it so far.
10. What are your plans this summer?! What will you be getting up to? (Or have you been up to, depending on when you answer this, haha)
Ahh, I live in an endless summer…! But as I am trying to recover from my surgery, I will be staying put for now. As soon I have more energy and can walk around without holding my belly, I will look to take some weekend trips! Looking to go to Penang as I’ve yet to go…!
And Elle’s questions are:
1. What inspired you to start a blog?
My man is in the Navy and I was trying to find any information I could on what it would be like to be with someone in the military. In my quest for finding information, I discovered the milso bloggers and I started my blog as a way to connect to them. In hindsight, starting a blog wasn’t really necessary per se, but I figured, if they’re spilling their life to the world, I should only do the same!
2. What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done in your life?
Hmm, I am not sure if it’s necessarily brave, but I moved to London and Singapore without a job and not really knowing a soul. Ok, I knew like one person, but you can’t rely on just one person to set you up with a job and friends. Hmm, maybe you can…. Maybe that’s a business idea I should think of. HAHA
3. What’s your favorite app?
Instagram. I love the visuals but actually with everyone’s quest to capture the “perfect” picture, all the pictures are starting to look samey. They’re still pretty, though! And LINE. It’s how B and I chat when he’s on terra firme…
4. What’s your wardrobe staple?
I think I dress pretty simply. Good, quality basics with jeans/trousers and fun accessories – shoes, jewelry or handbag.
5. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Night owl. Please do not call me before noon on the weekends…. HAHA I used to have that rule when I was younger.
6. What do you do when you’re bored?
Depends…! But aww crap, my secret is going to come out. Hi, I’m Julie and I am a Candy Crush-aholic.
7. If your blog name will be used to name a product (i.e. nail polish, lipstick, eyeshadow etc) which color or shade would you like it to be?
An aqua or a teal – the colours I currently use in my blog. I chose this colour because it reminds me of the sea and I am a sea baby…. HA
8. What’s the best DIY project you have done so far?
Oh my goodness, not my forte at all. I always have good intentions but laziness wins out. The most I’ve managed to accomplish, err finish, was glue some gold glitter on to some baby milk bottles.
9. Which country/place do you wish to travel to?
Please see my answer above!!
10. What made you smile today?
My text exchange with my Dad this morning. So happy that he was here with me during this week. Unfortunately we couldn’t spend Father’s Day together as he was flying back to NY.
Now, my questions for my nominees are…… And I’m looking at you ladies…
McKenna at Of Seas and Sundry
Elizabeth at Nom Elizabeth
Kerjan at Backpack Babe
Tara at Lifes Adventures
Holly at The Chronicles of Holly
1. If you could go back to any one point in your past, when would it be and why?
2. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
3. What is your favorite movie that you watch on repeat?
4. What is one beauty product you can’t live without?
5. Where is the one place you have been and you would try and force your friends to go to because it was that amazing?
6. Dogs or cats?
7. What does your ideal day look like?
8. What is the best piece of advice you have received thus far?
9. Are you a risk-taker or do you like to play it safe?
10. What is your most prized possession?
And with that, I conclude what I think is my longest post EVER. If you made it this far, you now deserve a drink… 😉