Week in the Life
The great thing about social media and blogging is that everyone has a fantastic life that we all envy, am I right? I read these blogs and can’t help but wish I had a life like theirs. I look at Instagram feeds and wonder how in the world do they even have time to curate their feed? I often struggle to post a photo that I deem to be “Instagram worthy” and then have to worry if people will even agree with my vision! Well, I definitely fell into that mindset when I first started blogging and trying to get my followers on Instagram. Now, I am a bit more relaxed and lackadaisical because I’ve realized how much time and effort it takes – time that I just don’t have! I’m sure some people will think I’m living it up, sometimes I am, but most often I’m not. So, I thought I’d do a “Day in the life” post but stretched it out to a week.
Mondays to Fridays is pretty standard.
- 6:30am to 7am: Alarm goes off and I am hating the day. I am NOT a morning person at all
- 7am: I am in the shower and then getting ready for work. I have my routine down pat. I only get held back if I can’t figure out what to wear. #firstworldproblems
- 7:30am: I head downstairs to feed George and clean out his litter box if I haven’t done it the night before
- 7:40am: I’m out the door and walking to the MRT (subway). I use this time to read the fun emails or check Instagram or Twitter.
- 8am: I should really be in the office by then but I’m grabbing a quick breakfast to bring into work.
- 8:05am: In the office and going over the previous nights emails and responding to any queries, etc. And generally waiting around for our clients to give us orders. On some mornings I am stupidly busy where I barely have time to breathe, much less go to the bathroom and pee. Yeah, sometimes you just gotta suck it and hope you don’t piss your pants before you can take a break. But lately, with the markets being quiet and regulations strangling my industry, it’s pretty quiet so I will read the New York Times and the Financial Times. Or I work on blog posts. HA
- 12:30 ish or 1pm: I’ll head outside and grab a takeaway lunch to eat back at my desk. There’s usually a lunch rush so this will probably take me anywhere from 15-30 minutes before I’m back at the desk, waiting for work. I am only allowed on Facebook/Pinterest/Twitter/IG from my work computer between 12-2pm so I will eat lunch and browse.
- 2pm: Work if there’s work to be done or else I am reading blogs. Goodness, reading blogs is quite time consuming sometimes!
- 6pm: Schools out for the summer! I wish, but usually we finish up then or sometimes we’ll get stuck working later if an order comes in or we’re stuck dealing with stupid queries.
- 11pm: I try to be in bed and hopefully asleep by then. But it doesn’t always work out this way… It’s probably closer to midnight lately.
Mondays & Thursday evenings: It’s my gym time. One hour of sweating bullets and getting back my sanity. After my work out, I’ll head home if it’s a Monday night. On Thursdays I will grab a dinner at my local cafe by the gym and hang out with some vinos. Yeah, don’t judge… I work out so I can drink. I’ll usually hang around for a couple of hours and then head home.
Tuesdays evenings: Free night where I will usually just go home and chill out. Or I’ll schedule a dinner with a friend that I haven’t seen in a while. I prefer to go home and chill to be honest, it’s my one free night to be by myself and just not have to talk to people. HA I try to blog on these evenings – editing pictures etc but honestly I am usually pooped and can’t be arsed. It’s why my pictures lately have been of poorer quality as I’ve been taking them with my iPhone… Sorry!
Wednesday evenings: Japanese lesson. So. much. fun. Can you sense my enthusiasm? I thought I would take Japanese so I can converse better and is also a good language to have in Singapore to get another job. Much easier to land a different job if you have Japanese under your belt. After class, my friend Ana and Bhavesh may or may not meet up and grab dinner and drinks. It’s time we use to pour the tea and set the world straight. These nights, I’m usually home at 11pm earliest. Eeek! If not, I’ll grab a quick dinner and then mosey on home.
Friday evenings: Weekend time, baby! I’m not one to make plans per se, so it’s pretty fluid but I usually end up going out for drinks.
Saturday: Chill out, veg out during the day. Get some pool action or I just lay in bed and watch TV. I really hate making plans for Saturday day. I really hate the idea of having to be somewhere at a specific time unless it’s dinner. I can deal with dinner plans. So again, it’s pretty fluid. We may meet up at someone’s house for a pizza night or we may hit up one of the restaurants we go to on a regular basis and eat and drink and be merry.
Sunday: I’m more open to making brunch plans on Sunday. We may or may not have a Sunday funday session. Or I use this day to go run errands, go to the supermarket and cook for one. So sad. But then I’ll make enough to last me a few days. Something easy like soup or chili where the leftovers taste better than when you first cook it. I’ll also try to blog during the day.
And that my friends is the fantabulous life of a functioning alcoholic an expat in Singapore. HA Especially since I have no kids and no responsibilities other than to myself. And the man is not even on land mass, so… It’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Or exciting trips most of the time. I have to caveat that and say that a lot of my friends do lead more exciting lives because they are away like every weekend. But nope, not me. I try to get away once a month, but I fail at that too!
What does your typical day/week look like?
I hope you haven’t been bored to tears by this post and I do hope you come back to my blog! 😉 Hope your week is going well so far!