And you blinked and November happened! It’s not such a bad thing, life happens and you just got to roll with it. Although, being sick is never that much fun and I’m all sorts of bunged up at the moment. Grr. But let’s see what else is currently happening in this corner of the internerd..
Watching: Still watching Grey’s Anatomy, Nashville and now Homeland as Season 5 is back up. I’m slightly pissed off that I can no longer access Netflix through my VPN, so I need to check out a different way, let’s see if this website will give me access to Netflix and Hulu. I’ve long stopped watching through Hulu simply because they caught on much faster than Netflix that people like me are somewhat savvy enough to watch from overseas… And also, there are so many new shows I want to watch, but I can barely keep up with these 3 shows. Yeah, I’m that busy. HAHA
Listening to: Not much really, other than “Hello” by Adele. I’m waiting for her new album to come out, but in the meantime, what are you listening to now that I should check out???
Reading: I am still reading You: A Novel by Caroline Kepnes and I can’t say I’ve made much headway into it. I’ve slacked off on the reading front, my mind is quite preoccupied with personal issues and the last thing I want to do is read. Or be at home, to be honest. And if I am at home, I like doing something mindless where thinking is not involved.
Wishing: Well, looks like my wish for clean air came true. It’s been amazing here for the past four days, fresh, clean air is ours again, let’s hope clean air is here to stay!! So I guess now I can wish for something else…? I’m going to keep this private for now, it’s more of a hope than a wish, or maybe it’s a combination of the two, but either way, I’m not quite ready to make it public on the internet what my heart desires.
Excited for: There’s not much time left in this year, I only have about 6 weeks left of work until I come back to Sing after the new year. And the new year will bring new challenges and a new direction in my career. But for now, I’m excited to be planning a weekend away in November with Ana. Bali, here we come (hopefully we get our sh*t together and actually book flights!)…!
Looking forward to: Getting better. I wasn’t feeling too well last week and my massive night out on Thursday definitely did not help matters, but it had to be done! My good, good friend from my New York/London days was in town for the night. He specifically came to see me, so I had to show him a good night out. I think I succeeded in that! But now, I’m sick and I’m not allowed to pull sickies at work, so here I am in the office feeling all sorts of feels. Bed, I am coming for you!
Missing: The crisp, autumn air. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving and I miss it so. I’m not sure I’ll have the opportunity to celebrate this year but how I love the idea of gathering with friends and family and getting to eat copious amounts of food. And you don’t have to stress over buying gifts, so this is my favorite holiday by far! 😉
Enjoying: The burn…! The burn from working out, that is. Am I one of those masochists who loves the muscle aches after a workout? I had a great work out session on Saturday. Did way too many back squats then followed by a weighted bag drag. My quads were on FIRE! But loved it. And now, my inner thighs and ass are all achy achy.
Loving: The cuddles from George the Cat. I love waking up in the middle of the night and his body is tucked in the crook of my arm, his little head on my shoulder. So sweet!
So how was everyone’s Halloween?