Weekend Recap
The weekend always just flies by, doesn’t it? I got out of work early on Friday, only because my boss didn’t show up until 11am and he felt bad. Happy days! I definitely didn’t need to be told twice to leave, so come 4pm, it was time to get the weekend started!
I desperately needed some retail therapy so I headed up to Orchard after work. It was desperate times as I hate shopping in Singapore. It’s way too crowded and I can’t handle shopping in crowds. But I braved it and all I managed to buy was a skirt. It was 50% off, so a total win in my book! I am currently trying to move away from my standard weekend get-up of jean shorts and a t-shirt, but everything I see in the stores are cute but I can’t justify buying similar things I already own. I never thought I would say this, but it’s not fun when it’s always summer! I miss the seasons! But I guess that the tropics is getting to me as I seem to be gravitating towards exotic bird prints. The flamingo skirt I picked up at my friends store a couple of months ago and the toucan print skirt is my new purchase. Cute, no?
After my mini shopping excursion, I went home and prepared for Singapore Fashion Week (recap coming soon!) with Ana and Bhavesh. It was a local Singaporean designer having her show that night and I was excited to attend my first ever fashion show! Living the dream! Hehe
Saturday went to the gym for a conditioning session. Ouch. It’s been a while since I’ve had one of those and I was feeling it. I rehydrated with a beer. Ha! Ran into a friend who was in town for the weekend, so it would have been rude not to! Later that night, I talked to B for an hour and a half, always so good to hear his voice but I quickly lost track of time. One minute it was 6:30pm and the next it was 7:30pm and I was late for my dinner. Not cool! But worth it!! Luckily dinner was at my girlfriend’s house and our other friend was already there keeping her company. Thank god I wasn’t making her wait at a restaurant all alone.
We ate a lot of yummy food and danced around to music from the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s to the present. Such a random playlist, but there’s nothing like dancing around a friend’s house with good wine and just being silly. We even had a neighbor complain about the noise. Yeah, we are those people. Hehe We also Skyped with our other girlfriend who recently moved back to the UK, and we were “introduced” to her new boyfriend. They’re so cute! I definitely have high hopes for them!! All in all, it was a good night in, super chilled. Not sure what is going on with my face in that pic, but the girls look nice, so..
Sunday was just a chilled day at home, taking care of house admin and catching up on Grey’s and Nashville. What is going on in these shows?!?! And really the highlight of my Sunday was that I actually cooked. Last week I had a horrible spaghetti carbonara at a local cafe, so I decided I would make it myself this time. It was delicious, I’m not going to lie. I even made some for B, but obviously he’s not here to eat it, so I was forced to eat it all. Hehe
Now it’s back to the grind. Let’s hope this week goes by quickly… How was your weekend?