Currently: October
Wow! We are now really full steam ahead to year end! I’m so incredibly jealous of everyone who is getting into all of the autumn festivities. Sigh. I’m seeing all the leaves turn the beautiful yellows, oranges and reds and well, it’s hot AF here. I used to think that the weather in London was unbearable – think cold, grey and drizzly 90% of the time; well, I have to admit, I’m very summered out. I do love being woken up early by a thunderstorm and being able to stay snuggled up in bed. But then an hour or so later, sun is out, guns ablazing. Ok, I know, I shouldn’t complain but I really want to wear pretty sweaters and knee high boots. Hehe. Anyway, enough whingeing on my part…!So with October here, I’m counting down the days until Morocco! This trip has been in the cards for like ever as I watch my girl, Penny, get married to her hunk of a man! And I’m the maid of honor! Uh-oh, that also means, I better get my ass in gear and write up the MOH speech!! Eeek! I know I will get stupid nervous and talk really fast and giggle at random times. Are you good with public speaking?!?! Any tips??
Anyway, let’s get to this month’s Currently: October post!
Cheers-ing: To Yasemin and Max on their wedding in the South of France. I was so gutted to have missed this wedding as Yas is one of my dearest friends. I will drink some champagne in your honor and wishing them a lifetime of happiness!
Organizing: I have finally gotten off my ass and have started de-cluttering my house. Finally! So I’ve managed to clean out the kitchen drawers and the top of my dresser. I have accumulated so many beauty freebies that get handed out around my office or from when I buy a product at some store. I mean, who needs a beauty subscription box?!?!
Dreaming: Of fall? Yes, but am also dreaming of moving to another country. I think that maybe my time in Singapore is up, but who knows? Also, now that I’m older, the idea of moving cities without a job scares me a bit more. Goodness, I must have grown up during my time here! Could it be? Nah.
Buying: For the moment, nothing! But once I’m in Marrakech, you better believe I’m going to hit up those souks hard. I cannot wait to bring home lanterns and tagines with me. Maybe a rug. Do you think I can bring a rug back on the plane?!?!
Listening: Lot of classics like Stevie Wonder and Carole King. Blame it on the boy, he’s taken over the speakers! I’m not complaining though, it’s nice to have him around. Even George is warming up to him!
And that’s another month of “Currently: October.” Thanks to Anne over at In Residence and Jacqui at Drink the Day for hosting. And if you haven’t linked up, then you should!!
Here’s to an amazing October… And don’t be flaunting all the fall festivities in my face… 😉