Hello, 2016!
Well, we are truly getting started with 2016 and I’ve been MIA from my little blog. It was an unexpected little break but let’s be honest, it was probably in the cards…! So, how were your holidays? How was your New Year’s?
Mine was super rock and roll. I was actually in bed and fast asleep 15 minutes after the ball dropped in NYC. Told you, I was definitely living it up that night! HA
I’m quite glad to say goodbye to 2015. It was not the easiest of years, it was quite difficult to be honest, and some of that is still carrying over to this new year. But I feel like I’m on the mend, on the path to becoming emotionally and mentally stronger. I still have my days where I just want to run away from the world, but unfortunately your thoughts always come along for the ride!
I wish I knew for certain 2016 is going to be a great year, according to them horoscopes, this is my year! But all I can do is take it one day at a time. And to let go. Let it all go.
Before a new chapter is begun, the old one has to be finished: tell yourself that what has passed will never come back. Remember that there was a time when you could live without that thing or that person – nothing is irreplaceable, a habit is not a need. Paulo Coelho
What do I have planned for this year? I’m not really one to make resolutions or goals. I’ll carry on being fit and going to the gym, although I will increase the number of times I work out a week and I’ll be looking to cut gluten, sugar and carbs from my diet until I get back into my jeans, comfortably, that is! The only thing I have definitively planned is to get LASIK. I’ve booked my eye assessment exam for mid-February and hopefully my eyes are treatable. If so, then hello perfect vision!! I am most tired of being blind as a bat and would love to say goodbye to contacts forever!
As for this blog, let’s see how it goes…! I’ve got loads of posts coming up from my trip to London and some from my time back at home. So, I hope you stick around!! I definitely look forward to see what you lovelies are up to!