One month down, many more to go
It’s been one month since B deployed. One month down, many more to go..! I can’t say that the time has passed quickly, it did feel like some of the weeks just dragged on and on. It also didn’t help when I was always a day ahead of the world. I would keep waking up thinking it was Thursday when it was only Wednesday, or Friday when it was on Thursday.
All in all though, the first month hasn’t been too bad. I’ve been busy on the weekends with my last minute weekend trip to KL (if you missed it you can read it here and here) and Ana’s birthday celebrations. Plus my parents also came down on Thursday for a few days, so I’ve definitely not been sitting at home feeling sorry for myself!
My only complaint is that his internet is down. He did say that the internet would be limited this deployment and well, definitely seems like it. He’s at least sent me a quick email to let me know the internet is down – ie no Facebook (we chat via FB messenger), so I know that he’s not just ignoring me!! But still, it sucks. I guess I’ll have to wait for him to call me to be able to talk to him.
The second month I think will drag by, with me in the hospital and bed ridden. Hopefully I won’t be bedridden for too long, but work is still up in the air. I’m not sure I’ll be able to physically sit in a chair for 10 hours a day. And definitely no working out! So let’s see how the second month goes, will have to binge watch Netflix…! Any must-see shows should I need to check out?