Let’s just cut to the chase, shall we? I last left you through the windy roads of the Atlas Mountains and we were heading to Telouet Kasbah. Actually, I lie and I’ll be dead honest with you – at that time, I had no idea where the F we were heading. I was told to get in a 4×4 that morning and all I knew was: Sahara Desert or bust! Okay, I kinda lied again. Sheesh, I’m so untrustworthy! I did know we were going to spend the first night at a kasbah before getting to the Sahara but I didn’t know where or what it was called because you know, I just didn’t read the wedding website too well. Oops!
Like I had previously mentioned, I had no clue the journey was going to be so freaking long. But at that point, there was not much I could do. My belly was starting to grumble and I knew I was hungry. Luckily, we were soon stopping for lunch in what I now know was Ouarzazate.
Ouarzazate is a region south of the Atlas Mountains and is known to be the gateway to the Sahara Desert. It’s quite a well known region – think Hollywood! – as a few films have been filmed in this area. Ouarzazate is also the home of a few famous kasbahs. A what?!! A kasbah! What the flipping feck is that? Well, let me tell you, friend! A kasbah is a type of fortress. You know, almost like a castle. Anyway, we finally stopped for lunch at Terrase Lion D’Or in Telouet. And it just so happened that there is famous kasbah there – Telouet Kasbah. Telouet Kasbah was on the caravan route back in the days from Ait Ben Haddou (this other amazing kasbah and maybe if you’re a Game of Thrones fan you’ll know what’s up…) to Marrakech and was the home to the Glaoui Family.
The most famous Glaoui family member was Thami El Glaoui. He was also a Pasha of Marrakech. Do you remember me talking about Pasha’s from the Bahi’a Palace? Needless to say, this family was stupid rich and their location was quite strategic as those along the caravan route often stopped by with gifts. Lucky for some, huh? It also helped that there was a salt mine nearby. But history says that this Thami guy was pretty fierce, if not brutal. Guess you don’t want people trying to take over your land…?
So we stopped for lunch and well, when in Morocco… Yes, we had more tagine but oh em gee. This tagine was divine. We were offered two types – chicken and beef – but as this area is known for their figs, these tagines had some delicious figs in there. Do you like figs? I love figs with something savory and this tagine was one of the 2 best tagines I had in Morocco. So maybe worth going just for that? Hehe
We stopped inside the souvenir store before heading into the actual kasbah. Rug, anyone?
I love how these kasbahs were built from the land. They do look like elaborate mud houses, if you will, but they’re quite impressive to look at! And can you imagine living inside one of them?
I didn’t know what to expect on the inside. I figured it would just be more of the same – dirt walls, floors, etc.
Silly me, this was essentially a palace. Of course it’s going to be ornate!
Look at all the detailing and those tiles! Just so gorgeous! Apparently it took 300 skilled craftsmen three years to decorate the ceilings and the walls. It’s incredible the amount of work that goes into creating such masterpieces. What’s even more amazing that despite all this time, the Telouet Kasbah is still mainly intact for us to enjoy.
And what took my breath away was this…
That is some ceiling, no? Can you imagine having a ceiling like that in your house? Hehe
We then all went up to the rooftop for some more magnificent views of this village and a better view of the falcon’s birds nests! Well, I think they were falcons. HA
Is this place amazing or what?
Our lovely tour guide was full of energy and really fun. You can rock up to the Telouet Kasbah but do expect to pay 10-20 dirhams ($1-2) as entrance fee and don’t forget to tip your guide!
Next up, my night IN a kasbah!