Hello, lovelies! After my boat day in Phuket, I did leave you with a bit of a cliffhanger! But to be honest, even I had no idea what was in store for me! All I knew was that we were going to a restaurant for dinner which was meant to be a surprise. Thomas had arranged everything, so we just went with it.
The drive back to the hotel from Chalong was another hour. I totally passed out on my way back and once we arrived at the hotel, we had 30 minutes to get ready as dinner reservations was for 8:30pm and the drive there would be another 45 minutes or so. Oi vey! See, I tell you, if you’re ever in Phuket or planning to go, make sure you plan accordingly or you’ll spend a lot of your time in taxis! But I digress.
We totally did not get ready in 30 minutes, but we were close. We got into our taxi and the driver only had super old CDs in his car, so the music to get the mood going was a little off. But hells, I made do. I had never heard of these songs but I sang my heart out. It was my way to keep myself awake because I was so damn.tired. We finally made it to the restaurant close to 9pm. All the tables were full and we were definitely all tourists. At this point, I still had no clue what I was in for other then a dinner.
Thomas prepped us that this restaurant only serves Thai food and it’s all you can eat. Ok, sounds good to me!
Ka Jok See is apparently a famous restaurant in Phuket. I had never heard of it, but then again, I don’t know Phuket too, too well. And last time I was there, I was on the Northern part of the island for a wedding. Anyway, Ka Jok See has no website and they do not advertise. It’s all through word of mouth. But you can find their phone number online to make a booking. Booking a table is absolutely necessary and from what I hear, it’s difficult to get a table, so good luck!
Anyway, we sat down and you can’t help but notice the quirkiness of the place. It was all somewhat randomly and eclectically decorated. It was definitely a festive atmosphere and that should have given me clues as to why Thomas chose this restaurant. All the ladies were also given jasmine necklaces and a little crystal bindi. Fun!
^don’t mind my constipated face^We were given the menus but I guess it was just to show what was coming out. As I said, it was all you can eat and you can always ask for seconds. But really, it wasn’t necessary.
In all honesty, I took two pictures of some of the dishes they served up, but I’m not including them in the post. Why not? Well, I quickly realized that although the food was good, it was not anything amazing. And well, when you’re in Thailand, you kind of expect amazing Thai food. Here, the food was ok, average at best. But really, we weren’t there for the food.
Since we arrived later then the other diners, it got started pretty quickly. The waiters at the restaurant are also there to get the party started and you will get pulled up to dance. Don’t be shy! Needless to say, Charlotte and Ana got pulled up for a spin before the food started arriving like it was going out of style. As I was trying to shovel some food down my throat, the performance started.
Well, when you’re in Thailand… Yep, that’s a lady boy. She was belting out classics like Whitney Houston and newer songs like Waka Waka amongst others. It was all in good fun as we chowed down on our main courses. Things quickly escalated as more people were getting pulled up to the dance floor or just got up to dance anyway. The staff were also handing out neon glasses and straw hats as accessories to liven up our attire.
By this time, the restaurant was no longer really a restaurant but a full fledged club/cabaret. The tables were pushed to the sides and we were actively encouraged to dance on the tables. Yep, yours truly danced on said table. There is photographic evidence but I do not have it. Ha! Amidst the chaos, this guy came up to me, “Julie?” I looked at him for a second and the penny dropped. It was my friend Chris! He used to live in Singers but left last year for Dubai and well, what a small world to run into him at Ka Jok See of all places!
The party was in full swing. Everyone was up and dancing and letting loose. This place is definitely not a place to go to sit in the corner. And what I loved about it was that even the older folks – I’m talking 60 year olds – we’re getting into the spirit of things. I will offer a couple of pictures that give suggestions of the mayhem that occurs here and mind you, these pictures are pretty PG…
Yes, I kept the pictures I’m posting very PG. After all, what happens in Phuket, stays in Phuket… 😉
But my night didn’t end there. My friends and I joined forces with Chris and his mates and we ended up in..Cringe!! I absolutely abhor Patong. If you’ve been to Phuket and you’ve been to Patong, you understand. But really, how to describe Patong…? It’s doesn’t accurately describe the beauty of Thailand. Quite the opposite. It’s a massive street, or streets filled with drunken tourist revelers partying it up on the bar lined street. Beware of ping pong shows.. I’ve never been to one, but in some ways I feel like I need to experience it at least once. Just not yet! Things cannot be unseen!! Anyway, there I was. So I made the most of it and danced my ass off at the White Room.
Haha that picture! We definitely look a little worse for wear there. And I look like a beast!!
But well, when in Phuket…
**I’m not sure why pictures got smaller for this photo. I’ve been having issues uploading photos through the WordPress app and I have had to resort to emailing them to upload them. Sigh. Makes blogging from work harder! Bear with me!