Everlasting Memories with StickerApp
**I received free stickers from Stickerapp to review, but all opinions are strictly my own**
There are so many ways to keep your memories alive in today’s digital world but I found a super fun way of making some memories everlasting- custom stickers. You guys, this is life changing! Ok, maybe I’m being dramatic but, hear me out!Am I the only one who is really bad at actually printing out any pictures? Do you remember those days when you actually used film and you had to get them developed? Or am I the only dinosaur around here..? I used to get so excited about getting pictures developed and would anxiously await until they were ready. I couldn’t wait to see the pictures – the good, the bad and the ugly. Or the funny. I would go and find cute albums and put them all in there; some special pictures got blow up and framed. Now, I get pictures printed up maybe once a year. The pictures that I really, truly love. And then it’s just one copy because that would be weird to have the same picture framed all over the house..
So when StickerApp reached out to me, I was so excited at the chance of making custom stickers. I really wanted something that would mean something to me and I could carry them everywhere with me – whether it’s sticking them on my laptop; my journal; or if I’m being slightly rebellious, then maybe I’ll tag some places with them and share them with the world. Sshhhhh. It wasn’t me!I chose to get the custom stickers made up of the cutest little boy ever – my nephew – before he grows up too fast. And he’s already grown so much since this picture was taken. No, I’m not biased at all!
I also couldn’t resist getting a sticker made up of George my Dog Cat. I have gotten so many cuddles from him since I’ve been home. I love that furball so, so much!
And lastly, I thought I would get something fun and aren’t these flamingos just the cutest? Although I did forget to crop out in between the legs but oh well. I’ll keep that in mind for the next batch! I’ve been handing them out like crazy a re-order is in the books!
Since I’ve received them, I’ve been having a blast. I’ve decorated my journal and even my passport. My mom actually yelled at me to say I wasn’t 14 anymore and I should be more lady like. Hehehe
What I love about these custom stickers aside from the obvious is that they are long-lasting. They won’t be fading with wear and tear anytime soon like normal stickers. They’re plasticated – is that a word? no? – or maybe it’s laminated! And waterproof for sure! They did come out a little darker than I thought they would, so when you are editing your pictures to make the custom stickers, I would suggest you lighten them up some more. And best of all, if you go to StickerApp now until the next week you can get your own custom stickers made up with a discount code using JWANDERING20.
If you’re ever wandering around somewhere and you see a black and white cat; cutest Asian baby ever; or a flamingo… Look out for me, I’ve been in your hood!