Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award – Travel + Life Edition
So humbled to be nominated again for this blog award! What I also love about these awards are that the questions are always different, so you never know what you’re going to find out or what you’re going to have to divulge…!
This time, the lovely Nika over at Next Stop Abroad kindly bestowed this honor on me as well as my blogging partner in crime over at Military Wife and Pug Life. How fun is that?!?! I feel special, and well… It was my birthday yesterday so I’m allowed. 😉 Feeling a bit rough after my birthday shenanigans in Penang, but so much fun was had! Anyway… I know you’re not here today to hear about Penang, but do come back!
So, I’m sure you know what this entails, but for those who don’t, the rules are simple:
1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you and link them in your post.
2. Answer the ten questions you have been sent.
3. Come up with 10 questions of your own.
4. Spread the love and nominate up to 10 bloggers!
So first up, the questions from Nika:
1) What motivated you to start travel blogging?
Hmm, I wouldn’t consider myself to be a travel blogger. I do blog about travelling, but that is because I am pretty damn lucky to be able to travel quite a bit. Living in Singapore makes it easy to just hop over to another country for the weekend. #expatlife And well, blogging is a great way to finally do something with all the pictures I take when I travel. Might as well share, no?
2) What are the most memorable experiences you have from your travels?
My travels have been quite varied and with that, different experiences are made. I celebrated my 21st birthday in Barbados where the drinking age is 18. The Bajans didn’t give a damn I had just turned 21, but I found myself surrounded by Americans that kicked up a fuss for me on my birthday. What a fun night!
Another one of my most memorable trips was the safari I did with my mom in the Maasai Mara, Kenya. It’s hard to describe how at peace I felt being out in the early morning (ok, I was surrounded by the people in our Jeep, but..) as we drove around. To be out among the animals in their habitat was breathtaking and serene; going back to basics. To this day, the safari has been my most favorite trip ever and I desperately want to do another.
I also like to travel on my own. I like being able to do whatever I want without worrying about someone else and I also use this time to reconnect with myself.
3) Looking back on your first big trip abroad, how well were you prepared?
Hmm, I”m not sure when my first big trip abroad was. As a teenager I was flying by myself all the time, going home to Brussels during the holidays from Boston. I find borders a hindrance to how I want to live my life. I feel that we should all be able to roam freely, no need for visas or passports.
4) What is the next goal from your bucket list that you will accomplish soon?
I was having this conversation with B the other day. I like to randomly say, let’s go here. And he responds with, “You are all over the place! Where is your priority?” Ha Well, on my travel bucket list is Iran, Antarctica and Uganda/Rwanda/Mozambique (I have a thing for Africa). Is that going to get accomplished soon? Nope! When B and I meet up next, he gets to decide where we’re going since I dragged him off to Mauritius!
5) What kind of souvenirs are you buying on your trips?
I LOVE jewelry. So I love to pick up jewelry from where I am. I picked up a beautiful jewelry box from Zanzibar. Carried that all the way to the Maasai Mara with me. HA
6) How do you feel about traveling in a bigger group? Let’s say with at least 5 more people.
Totally love travelling in a group! But it’s hard to organize! Penang miraculously happened but we were just 5 people.
7) What is the cheapest one week vacation you ever went on?
Hmm, Krabi? I took myself to Krabi last year, or maybe it was Sharm el Sheikh. It was an all-inclusive, including flights. That was pretty cheap.
8) What is your approach towards hitchhiking?
I wouldn’t do it. Especially if I’m by myself. Call me a wuss, I don’t care!
9) Other than your home town, is there a place in the world you like calling a second home?
Crap, this is a loaded question. I don’t know where home is. I would like to think that Rio is home; NYC is home; London is home and Singapore is home. But then don’t they say, home is where the heart is? Well, my heart is with B and who knows where he is. Somewhere on a ship in the ocean. Hmmm.
10) How do you feel about sharing too many personal information with your readers?
In some ways its easier because you don’t actually know them…!
And now, questions from Military Wife and Pug Life:
1) What is one trend, beauty or fashion, you cannot stand?
I’m totally blanking out! Are we talking current trend…?? Hmm. I don’t really pay attention to trends too much. I know what I like. Although living in Sing, there is a high amount of VPLs. ARGH. Why, why, why? Especially when you’re wearing some skanky dress to the office, no need for VPL on top of that!!
2) If you could remove all the fat and calories from any food, what would it be and why?
Gratin dauphinoise and pasta. Yums. I love my carbs and gosh I love cream.
3) What famous person makes you want to puke?
Justin Bieber. I’m just not a Belieber. #sorrynotsorry
4) What song do you sing (loudly) and dance (obnoxiously) to when you are by yourself?
Hate It Or Love It by The Game. Well, I can’t really sing it because I just can’t rap properly but I try. Some things are best not seen or heard.
5) What was your favorite Halloween costume you ever wore?
Wow, I haven’t done Halloween in so long! I can’t remember to be honest. I obviously didn’t do anythng too memorable. I was Minnie Mouse once though. But it wasn’t Halloween. Haha
6) If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
I’d love to be a part of some high level, top secret meeting between heads of states. I want to know what is TRULY going on in this world. Sounds a bit lame, but. Get over it.
7) What is the stupidest excuse you’ve ever used to get out doing something? And did it work?
Does pretending to be ill count? Sometimes a girl’s gotta pull a sickie. But unfortunately it’s been a while since I’ve done that.
8) What is something that truly grosses you out?
Snails and slugs. YUCK. Ok, I just got the heebeejeebies. Argh
9) Have you ever re-gifted a gift? What was it and who did you give it to?
I don’t believe I have…! Sometimes, I’m pretty straight, ya know.
10) If you could go back in time and tell your teenage self anything, what would it be and why?
Oh goodness, where do I begin…? Another lame response, but I would have told myself to do better in school. Don’t get me wrong, I still got good grades, but if I had tried a bit harder, I could have had straight As. Oh well. My life still turned out pretty awesome!
Right! So I’m going to cop out and not nominate anyone in particular because I am nominating everyone! As for my questions, I kind of want to know the same things as above, so…
Happy Monday, ladies! Hope the week goes well!