Another week begins and I am hoping to get my Hanoi posts up shortly as well as finishing up with Morocco and Ipoh. Haha See, I told you that time was slipping by. Sigh. But today, I’ve jumped on the bandwagon and let’s do the 3 Things Survey. After seeing Erica’s post, I figured what a good way to kick off the week and for you to get to know me a little better. You’re welcome. HA
So without further adieu… Let’s get to it!
Three things I’d never give up
My passport, the chance of an adventure and champagne.
Three favorite vegetables
Sugar snap peas, broccoli and tomatoes. Oh wait, that is a fruit, so I’ll say onions – does that make me weird??!?!
Three shows I’ve watched faithfully to the end
Gilmore Girls, The OC and Gossip Girl
Three places I want to visit in the US
Jackson Hole, Charleston, SC and Zion National Park
Three places I want to visit outside the US
Iran, Bhutan and Antarctica
Three things I always have with me
My iPhone, Lucas’ Papaw Ointment and a hair tie
Three things that are always in my car
Umm, nothing! I don’t own a car and never have. I have a license but I don’t think you’d want me behind the wheel!
Three most recent calls were from/to:
Bhavesh, my parents and the taxi driver in Vietnam haha
Three most often used makeup products
Mascara, eyeliner and Lucas’ Papaw Ointment
Three things that make me laugh
My friends in this chat group we’re in/time with my friends, George when he’s in his sprint pose and conversations with my mom 🙂
Three things that make me cry
Animals that get abused, a beautiful landscape that I get to see in real life, and in all honesty, the state of the world we live in today.
Well, it’s always fun to end something like this on a somber note… Join in on the fun, will you? I wanna read your answers. 🙂